
kubectl plugin to generate yaml definition and edit them in your favorite editor

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kubectl-design helps to generate kubernetes resource yaml definations using command line options and opens it in your editor to edit it and use it.

A simple tool to save your time.

version compatiblity : kubectl v1.18.x


go get -u github.com/kunalkushwaha/kubectl-design


Replace create & run with design

kubectl createdesign deployment busybox –image busybox

kubectl design [resource-name] [options]

$ kubectl design deploy test --image busybox

Configure prefered Editor.

Resources Supported

  clusterrole         Design a ClusterRole.
  clusterrolebinding  Design a ClusterRoleBinding for a particular ClusterRole
  configmap           Design a configmap from a local file, directory or literal value
  cronjob             Design a cronjob with the specified name.
  deployment          Design a deployment with the specified name.
  job                 Design a job with the specified name.
  namespace           Design a namespace with the specified name
  poddisruptionbudget Design a pod disruption budget with the specified name.
  priorityclass       Design a priorityclass with the specified name.
  quota               Design a quota with the specified name.
  role                Design a role with single rule.
  rolebinding         Design a RoleBinding for a particular Role or ClusterRole
  secret              Design a secret using specified subcommand
  service             Design a service using specified subcommand.
  serviceaccount      Design a service account with the specified name

Your feedback is welcome, feel free to create issues and PRs.